Sunday, April 18, 2010


I'm a broken record, I know. I cannot believe how fast you learn. Daddy and I both have noticed you've come leaps and bounds. Between following commands, to helping with chores, you are becoming quite the independent young lady.

Tonight alone amazed me. After waking Daddy and I up at 3 a.m., you had an action packed day with Daddy.

Between 5:30 and 8:00 p.m. this is what you accomplished:

1. Once I got home and we ate dinner, you got out of your high chair and demonstrated an interest in helping me wipe down the kitchen counters. I gave you a dry rag and you instantly began wiping the face of all the appliances.

2. After a minute or two you sprinted to the bathroom and tried to open the door while tugging at your pants. When I opened to the door, you bolted in, helped get your pants down and used the potty within seconds. You ate your reward (2 m&ms) and helped flush the potty.

3. Again, the teething began. You screamed from 6:15 until 7:00 when your pain killer kicked in. Right before this happened, you got in trouble for standing on your toys. I told you that was not acceptable and that you needed a time out. All by yourself you walked to the end of the hallway, positioned yourself on your bottom and waited until I told you time out was over.

4. You saw a bird out the window and not only pointed, but waved once it flew away. This melted my heart.

5. While we got ready for bed, Daddy called to check in. I put him on speaker phone and you chatted away. He asked if your teeth hurt and you repsonded, "Yah." He asked if you got in a time out and you giggled. In between you much that Dad couldn't get a word in.

6. Next came your nightly books, which you've somehow started to memorize. As we turned each page, you'd look at me to see the noise or motion I make for each photo.

7. Finally, my favorite part of each day. After storytime I scooped you up in my arms (you scooped Pig up in yours), and you puckered up and gave me a genuine kiss.

It might have been a stressful start and end to the day, but everything in the middle makes it worthwhile. I can't believe in 15 months you've learned all these things (and more). You make me so proud!

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